You don’t have to display every ad to every person who visits your forums. You can show different ads to guests who are not logged in and to visitors who come from search engines than you show to members who are logged in.
For example, you may want to serve more advertisements to guests who are not logged in than you do once a person has signed in. This can create a better experience for your registered members and can provide an incentive to register and login.
For example, you may want to serve more advertisements to guests who are not logged in than you do once a person has signed in. This can create a better experience for your registered members and can provide an incentive to register and login.
It is generally accepted that visitors coming from search engines are more likely to click ads than direct visitors.
Because of this, even if you display ads to everyone, the lion’s share of your revenue may still be coming from visitors who are not logged in. Some will argue that your regular visitors may develop blindness to your ads.
For some, that may be true. For others, it won’t be. This point also ignores the fact that some ads are CPM based and you will be paid for views – not for clicks.
That said, selective ad display can be a great strategy for some communities and can help you maintain the balance between wanting to grow your revenue and also needing to maintain a good user experience for your loyal members.